Greetings! Please feel free to join us in person or online (by watching our live stream service) at the following times.
9:00 AM Worship Service
10:15AM Sunday School (for all ages, a class for everyone!)
7:00 PM Bible Study (adult class with changing material. Please see Calendar and Ministries for more info.)
You Are Welcome Here!
Our doors are open wide to everyone and our hearts are open to anyone seeking to find a safe place for spiritual life, growth and fellowship! What our visitors usually notice first about our church is the tender presence of God in our worship gatherings. These times are marked with joyful worship, warm fellowship and relevant teachings from His Word – a combination that touches the heart and lifts the soul.
A closer look will prove that you are surrounded by people just like you – people that are filled with hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, strengths and weaknesses. The common thread being that we are all committed to growing stronger and wiser through it all. Together we are working to become like the church we believe Jesus wants us to be!
Our goal is to provide an atmosphere of loving acceptance, where people can grow spiritually through the vibrant worship, honest friendships, a caring fellowship, constant prayer and a compassionate concern for the world!
So whether you are a spiritual seeker just beginning your walk toward God or a committed believer continuing your walk with Him, you can find a home at the Buchanan Church of God. Please join us as we commit our lives in prayer, lift our hearts in worship and extend our hands to serve in His name!